TENTH House ( KARMA/WORK) is the ACTION between SELF ( 1st House)
& ALL OTHERS ( 7th House).
SIXTH house ( being 9th) is the reason
of TENTH ( KARMA/WORK) house & SECOND ( being 5th) is the result of the TENTH house.Sixth house indicates “the purpose of our work; where is
it's joy?” We judge " Karma-shakti" [ capacity/capability to do work]
from 6th house, while TENTH house signifies our WORK in this life. If 2nd house
is damaged, the native will not get the rewards/fruits of his work and vice
versa.The triangle formed by 10, 6 & 2 is called " MONEY
TRIANGLE" [ Artho Trikona].
When the house significators of 2, 6, 10 houses are combined/ connected with
significators of 1st house ( Self) and 11th house ( Success), the native is
assured of job (employment) in natal chart. If any of this link/connection is
NOT in natal chart, the person will face great difficulty in getting a job.
This promise in natal chart ( of getting employment) will fructify when
favourable Dasa period comes with favorable transits.
If the 5th lord and/or 9th lord become part of that professional configuration strongly, then the education & profession/work get related.
If the 5th lord and/or 9th lord become part of that professional configuration strongly, then the education & profession/work get related.
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