Thursday, 30 May 2013

The significance of 11th house

The significance of 11th house

Ravan ( The powerful demon king) ordered all planets to be in 11th house during the birth of his son " Meghnad" so that the son can become immortal/ extremely successful.( As all planets become beneficial at 11th house). At the birth time of the child, Great planet Saturn, kept one of his feet in 12th house...& destroyed the fate of the child. Seeing this Powerful Ravan was so angry that he threw a weapon to "Shani Dev" ( Saturn) and one of his eyes were damaged since then.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

How to find whether someone will get a job/employment:

TENTH House ( KARMA/WORK) is the ACTION between SELF ( 1st House) & ALL OTHERS ( 7th House). SIXTH house ( being 9th) is the reason of TENTH ( KARMA/WORK) house & SECOND ( being 5th) is the result of the TENTH house.Sixth house indicates “the purpose of our work; where is it's joy?” We judge " Karma-shakti" [ capacity/capability to do work] from 6th house, while TENTH house signifies our WORK in this life. If 2nd house is damaged, the native will not get the rewards/fruits of his work and vice versa.The triangle formed by 10, 6 & 2 is called " MONEY TRIANGLE" [ Artho Trikona]. When the house significators of 2, 6, 10 houses are combined/ connected with significators of 1st house ( Self) and 11th house ( Success), the native is assured of job (employment) in natal chart. If any of this link/connection is NOT in natal chart, the person will face great difficulty in getting a job. This promise in natal chart ( of getting employment) will fructify when favourable Dasa period comes with favorable transits.

If the 5th lord and/or 9th lord become part of that professional configuration strongly, then the education & profession/work get related.

Sixth house is one important house related to employment.

Sixth house is one important house related to employment.

From 6th house [among other things] we can imagine/assess about "Karma-Indriyas" or "Five organs of action" as stated below.

Karma Indriyas (five organs of action)

Vak (organ of speech), Pani (hands), Pada (feet), Upashtam (organ of generation) and Payu (anus, the organ of excretion) are the five organs of action. The Karma Indriyas are the five soldiers. The commander-in-chief is the mind. The mind extracts work from these soldiers when it desires to get sensual objects for its gratification.

From 6th house [among other things] we can imagine/assess about Shadripu (Sanskrit: meaning the six enemies) as stated below.

The Shadripus have been listed as

Kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada and matsarya - lust, anger, greed, illusion, pride and envy. These bind the soul to the process of birth and death and keep it confined in this material world (confines of maya or illusion). It (the 6th house and 6th lord ) also indicates " Shad Ripu [Six Enemies]" and those diseases that are due to one’s own reactions indicated by the shadripu. These are "Drishta roga" or "those ailments that can be identified in terms of visible, external or known causes".

We also judge standard of living from 6th house.

We judge " Karma-shakti" [ capacity/capability to do work] from 6th house.

Sixth house indicates “the purpose of our work; where is it's joy?”

This house influences our attitude towards the improvement of our own life and standard of living.

Sixth house shows the work and effort we must use up if we are to manifest the things we want.